Connecting with Christ: Disciple Making and Social Media

Our guest preacher, Rev Dr Johan van der Bijl gave the second sermon in our mini series on ‘Connecting with Christ’. In this sermon he focused on the importance of disciple making and the role technology should play in this. Technology is not all bad and has its role, but we also need to be aware of limitations and move beyond digital to personal. Disciple Making and Social Media In his excellent book, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, the late Nabeel…

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Connecting with Christ

Who does technology serve? In the introduction to this mini-series Rev Jonathan explores the use of technology in today’s society and explores so short falls which the Christian community should steer clear of

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The Body of Christ – Unity

Unity in the Body of Christ In this short series Rev Daniel Sebola starts us off by looking at unity in the body of Christ. After unpacking the context in which Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians was written, he then moves on to use the metaphor of a rainbow to describe unity in the body of Christ

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Stand up for that which is right

Fr Samuel Issac’s explores John 18:33-38 and looks at how Pilate is so similar to many of our leaders today. In this he challenges us to follow the truth of Christ and to stand up for that which is right.

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How is Jesus Unique to you?

Martin explores the Hebrews 10:11-25 reading and Mark 14:1-8 and explains the relationship between the two. After unpacking the significance of the forgiveness offered in Christ he goes on to challenges us to respond that that forgiveness and to break the seal on our hearts that so often prevents us from responding to the love of Jesus

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Jesus the One True Perfect Sacrifice

Exploring Hebrews 9, Jonathan looks at Jesus as the one true perfect sacrifice and draws on some of the significance of this as presented in Hebrews 9. He starts though but looking at the need for atonement and the day of atonement as presented in Leviticus 16. From here he unpacks just how important Christ one true sacrifice was.

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Let us Pray

Building on Philippians 4:4-9 Fr Stewart opens by asking how many of us are truly praying with out ceasing. From here he explains how we have shrunk the concept of prayer and need to broaden our understanding. [Due to a technical fault the recording ends short but Fr Stewart concludes that we need to feel free to seek a form of prayer which works for the time and location we find ourselves in]

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How does your “temple” look

After giving an overview of the location of the book of Haggai within the bible and exploring the historical context Rev Dr Daniel Sebola comes to unpack its message. In doing so he asks what reconstructions of the “temple” looks like today?

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By the Grace of God

Preaching at the patronal festival Fr Samuel Isaacs, looks at how the life of St Wilfrid’s is an inspiration for us today. St Wilfrid’s life was not easy but this did not stop him from achieving great things. Often in life it is not the presence of problems that matter but how we overcome them with the grace of God. Building on this Fr Isaacs explores how we often need to change our approach to challenges we face.

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