On Going Ministries

How can we reduce our environmental footprint?  Recognizing that our way of life puts a heavy load onto the environment we look at ways to decrease our impact such as, for instance, buying goods which are not lavishly packed and recycling our waste through one of the avenues available to us, such as the waste pickers whose living is selling what they retrieve from dustbins. Others are, for instance, reducing our use of fossil energy and water-wise gardening with the ultimate aim of sustainable environmental management.

You will find it all, at Shiloh’s door, at the back of the hall. In the library, we have lots of novels, as well as a treasure trove of non-fiction books. The library is a peaceful place, where you can pray, meditate or browse through a book or two. Please do visit us. The library is open any time the church is open. Books are borrowed on an honour basis for 6 weeks. Fill in the date, your name and telephone number and the name of the book. When you return the book, sign it in with your signature. A basket is provided for the returned book.

Baptism is the sacrament by which God adopts us as His children and makes us members of Christ’s Body, the Church, and inheritors of the Kingdom of God. For information on baptism, please click here to download the file.

Admission to communion
Any baptized person in the Diocese who is at least six years of age, has been brought up in a Christian environment, received basic instruction and exhibits insight to the significance of the Sacrament can be admitted to communion. To find our more about admission to communion, please click here to download the file.

Confirmation is a public statement of your personal belief and trust in God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Committed members of the church who are sixteen years and older, who are baptized, desire to be confirmed, and who are adequately prepared may be confirmed. To find our more about confirmation, please click here to download the file.

For a Christian death is only a stage in our journey towards the fullness of eternal life with our risen Lord Jesus Christ. To find our guide to help you prepare for the funeral and what arrangements need doing, please click here to download the file.