Weekly Ministries

Sunday Services
Our main ministry at St Wilfrid’s is our three Sunday services. This is the time when we come together as Gods family to worship our Lord and Saviour and to grow in our knowledge and love of him. It is in this time that we come to be renewed in our faith and restored so we can go out and serve God in his world.
The three services are on Sundays at 07:30 – 09:30 – 18:00 (the evening service during the summer and winter recess)

Life Groups
Life groups provides an opportunity to grow in the Christian life in close fellowship with our brothers and sisters. Here is a list of life groups:

Wednesdays 18:30 – Bruce Lister (082-450-6037) Moves around week to week
Wednesdays 19:00 – Grant Thistlewhite (083-542-5515) Moves around week to week
Wednesdays 19:00 – Steve Mitchell (082-795-1465) Malan Street, Riviera
Friday 15:30 – YAM – Jonny Womack (072-534-1465) Upper Room, St Wilfrid’s

Music unites people with one language. The music ministry creates a language that everyone can understand. We have music teams for the three Sunday services. Musical talent is a blessing given to us by God and what we do with our talents is a blessing we can return to God in thanksgiving, if you feel called to this ministry, we would love for you to join.

Children's church
In the children’s church we nurture the faith in the young members of our church, teaching the children about Jesus and the Christian faith all the while encouraging them to become active Christians. We engage them creatively, building bible scenes, creating artwork and singing fun songs. The children’s church aims to set these future leaders with a solid Christian grounding and help them build a strong faith.

Teen Church
In the Teen Church young members of our church start to mature into believers taking responsibility for their own faith. Our vision is to see these young members to become disciples of Jesus Christ, to realise they are a valued part of the greater church body and to be to be there to support young adults in this spiritually, emotionally and physically challenging time of life.

Student Ministry
On the doorstep of the University of Pretoria Hatfield Campus, St Wilfrid’s is a church open to all students. We see it as our duty to provide a home away from home, a place where students can feel valued, supported and welcome, while they are away from their own homes. In this short time we are grace with a students presence we strive to develop a faith that will be with them for the rest of their life and set them up to deal with the challenges of the adult world.

The Sacristans undertake the preparation of the altar and all things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist.  Wafers and wine, silver chalices, purificators and lavabo towels are set out in readiness for the priest, with the appropriate colour of the Church’s season.  The altar cloths and other linen and silver are kept clean and taken care of, as well as keeping a sufficient supply of wafers, wine and altar candles in the vestry. All these are done to help make the church a visible sign of love for God.