St Wilfrid’s Anglican Church is a community that loves and follows Jesus Christ. We seek to be transformed, to live kingdom-shaped lives in the power of the Holy Spirit, that impact the community in which we live and we serve others and invite them into the life and love of God our Father.
“Making disciples of Jesus Christ in our community”
Who we are
St Wilfrid’s is a warm and caring church with a family feeling. It is also a healing and praying parish with a rich texture of groups, an important student ministry and the challenge of serving Christ in the commercial and business area of Hatfield. Parishioners are involved in outreach and ‘Kingdom work’ in many areas such as poverty alleviation and hospital visiting (including support to AIDS orphans). Committed to scripturally-based teaching and ministry we believe that every member of the church is called to some task or ministry. The parish believes in the continuous development of people. We welcome you and encourage you to become a part of our community, reaching out with us to a needy world with the abundance of God’s love
We are an Anglican Church in the Diocese of Pretoria which is part of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. St Wilfrid’s is a dynamic, vibrant, diverse and loving community. We find ourselves in a time of rapid change, both in our own church and the world around us. These changes are often exciting and inspiring, but can also involve painful loss and uncertainty. We believe that the God we worship – the God who reigns supreme in the universe – calls and equips us with gifts of grace for ministry at this moment in history. As we face many new challenges that offer wonderful opportunities for mission and ministry, we trust that God will lead His Church by walking beside us and living in us, always to the honour and glory of His name.
Jesus challenges us to cast our nets into the deep, where we will be able to catch fish. If we accept this challenge to “go deep” our nets will be so full that they will reach breaking point. It is then that we need to trust Him sufficiently to know that we can, like the disciples, leave everything behind and follow Him, who is our Master, our Guide, our Protector and our Sustainer. We believe that we can be flexible enough to adapt our methods and strategies according to contemporary needs, ONLY if our trust is firmly rooted in an unchanging Christ, in the One who is forever the same.
In everything we do, we strive to be centred and focused on Christ. Christ who is for all times, and contemporary with all times, ever present, utterly dependable, whose compassion and caring are unfailing.
Anglican Diocese of Pretoria:
Anglican Students Federation of South Africa: